I started using Twitter last year with a little bit of trepidation. I was not that interested in what people were doing that minute, but I was intrigued by how it could be used from a business standpoint.
For those of you who have not heard of it, Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that can be used by advertisers and marketers to reach out and communicate with people who are talking about your product or company in real time.
Creating a business profile on Twitter is a little different than creating a personal profile, and social marketer Michael Gray recently blogged about how to build an effective business profile on Twitter.
More than four out of 10 women in their 40s surveyed in October by SheSpeaks had a social networking profile. And over 70% of women with children ages 13 to 17 had talked about products on social networks, compared with 62% of all responding women.
“40-somethings are active users and members of online social networks,” said Aliza Freud, CEO of SheSpeaks, in a statement. “These women have started to use the Web and social networks in ways that mirror the rest of their lives—from finding out about a product to shopping or monitoring their children’s activities.”
Some of the more interesting social media stories that I have read recently.
Study: Almost 10% On Social Networks Via Mobile
The proportion of U.S. mobile subscribers who access social networks on their cell phones nearly tripled to almost 10% over a year ago, according to a consumer study by The Kelsey Group
Novartis’ Excedrin YouTube Contest Deemed A Success
Novartis Consumer Health, makers of Excedrin, launched its first YouTube contest to introduce Excedrin Express Gel to consumers. More than 200 videos were submitted to the contest, which ran Oct. 18 through Dec. 18. The contest page received more than 147,000 views
Hope you all had a great Christmas! Here are some interesting social media marketing articles I have been reading during the holiday season:
Best Podcasts on Social Media: Lee Odden has put together a great list of social media podcasts.
Ads: MySpace v. Facebook Advertising Showdown. Which Platform Is Better?
This comparison demonstrates why Facebook’s advertising system is better than MySpace. Source: Techcrunch
9 Reasons You Need Social Media Marketing in 2009 . Good post from Todd Malicoat aka Stuntdubl. His bonus point is so spot on. Social media is a way to reliably disperse your message to a group of people who want to hear what you have to say.
After three days without power and four and ahalf days without phone or Internet access I buried in emails and deliverables. Some of these social media headlines that have grabbed my attention are:
Report: Daytime Is Online Primetime: Daytime is the Internet’s primetime, says Mediaweek’s Mike Shields, citing a new report from Nielsen Online. During the traditional 9-5 work week, 65% of online video viewers streamed at least one piece of content in October, according to the report, versus 51% of viewers who did so on weekends from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Source: Mediaweek
Here are some of the social marketing articles that I have been reading recently:
Learning to Work with Social Networks:Marketers recognize that social networks are becoming more important to their plans, but have few guidelines about what works best. How will campaigners make the most of MySpace, Facebook and their ilk? Source: eMarketer
Marketing: How to use social networks for marketing and PR. This high level primer from the NYTs discusses how brands can get started with their PR and marketing efforts on social networks. They suggest profiles and connections, groups, then discussion areas.
Business has been crazy busy recently, but these are some of the social media stories that have caught my attention:
Market research firms such as comScore do not yet measure newly developed types of social networking ads like Facebook’s Engagement Ads. Source: eMarketer
MySpace CEO Sees Growth Despite Recession. Source: Reuters
Teens and college students seem to have remarkably similar tastes in Websites. Source: eMarketer
Good article on how Rubbermaid uses social media. Source: ZDNet
Where Do Online Viewers Go for Video? TV networks’ online destinations are a popular place to view video, but Google’s YouTube is still the 800-pound gorilla in the video viewing space. Source: eMarketer
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